January 27, 2016

gentrification blues (portland it's you)

live in a world 
we where 
smoke alarms ask 
for batteries weep 
on your attractive 
skin sucks sunlight 
rains when it pours 
as if it was black 
and on display 
in a rose city a 
neutron bomb of 
renovation orchestrated 
so precisely flashing 
with the ferocity of lightning 
a gavel smack that 
cleaves the tenuous 
bridge between 
hemispheres squeezed 

that last 

as we dance 
with them 
that brung us 

January 6, 2016

ice slendered options

actual icicles 
stud our awning 
ecstatic angel-
making woke
the slippery 
world wears 
glass suspended
neon glow
parked canine 
waits where its 
tied to the no
parking pole
oblivious to
the murder